Dora the Explorer is an American educational animated TV series created by Chris Gifford, Valerie Walsh Valdes and Eric Weiner. Dora the Explorer became a regular series in 2000. The show is carried on the Nickelodeon cable television network, including the associated Nick It aired on CBS until September 2006. A Spanish-dubbed version first aired as part of a Nick en español block on NBC Universal-owned Telemundo through September 2006; since April 2008, this version of the program has been carried on Univision as part of the Planeta U block.
The series is co-produced by Nickelodeon Productions and Nickelodeon Animation StudioDora the Explorer is one of the longest-running shows of Nick Jr. During the sixth season, the show became the Nick Jr. series with the most episodes, surpassing Blue's Clues with 143 episodes, having 144 after it had completed broadcasting on television. It won a Peabody Award in 2003 "for outstanding efforts in making learning a pleasurable experience for pre-schoolers." It ended on June 5, 2014 after 8 seasons and 172 episodes.
A live-action film adaptation is underway at Paramount Pictures and is scheduled for a 2019 release.


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